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发表日期:2003-08-27作者:[] 出处:  

原  作:Douglas E. Comer & David L. Stevens

     << Internetworking With TCP/IP Vol III >>

整理修改:scz < mailto: cloudsky@263.net >




  针对Xinu系统来的,要不就针对Sun RPC来的,










  因为Sun RPC是事实上的标准,rpcgen是Sun自己的工



  ★ 构建一个解决问题的常规应用程序

  ★ 将该常规程序划分成两部分

  ★ 创建一个rpcgen规格说明

  ★ 运行rpcgen

  ★ rpcgen产生的.h文件

  ★ rpcgen产生的XDR转换文件

  ★ rpcgen产生的client代码

  ★ rpcgen产生的server代码

  ★ 编写stub接口过程

  ★ 编译链接client程序

  ★ 编译链接server程序

  ★ 启动服务器执行客户机

  ★ 分离服务器和客户机

  ★ rpcinfo的使用以及portmap原理简介(重要)

  ★ RPC程序编译开关

  ★ RPC编程小结

★ 构建一个解决问题的常规应用程序


/* dict.c -- main, initw, nextin, insertw, deletew, lookupw */





#define MAXWORD 50  /* maximum length of a command or word */

#define DICTSIZ 100 /* maximum number of entries in dictionary. */

char dict[ DICTSIZ ][ MAXWORD + 1 ]; /* storage for a dictionary of words */

int nwords = 0;           /* number of words in the dictionary */

/* 函数原型 */

int nextin ( char * cmd, char * word );

int initw  ( void );

int insertw ( const char * word );

int deletew ( const char * word );

int lookupw ( const char * word );

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* main -- insert, delete, or lookup words in a dictionary as specified

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int main ( int argc, char * argv[] )


  char word[ MAXWORD + 1 ]; /* space to hold word from input line */

  char cmd;

  int wordlen; /* length of input word */

  printf( "Please input:\n" );

  while ( 1 )


    wordlen = nextin( &cmd, word );

    if ( wordlen < 0 )


      exit( 0 );


    switch ( cmd )


    case 'I': /* 初始化 */


      printf( "Dictionary initialized to empty.\n" );


    case 'i': /* 插入 */

      insertw( word );

      printf( "%s inserted.\n", word );


    case 'd': /* 删除 */

      if ( deletew( word ) )


        printf( "%s deleted.\n", word );




        printf( "%s not found.\n", word );



    case 'l': /* 查询 */

      if ( lookupw( word ) )


        printf( "%s was found.\n", word );




        printf( "%s was not found.\n", word );



    case 'q': /* 退出 */

      printf( "Program quits.\n" );

      exit( 0 );


    default: /* 非法输入 */

      printf( "command %c invalid.\n", cmd );


    } /* end of switch */

  } /* end of while */

  return 0;

} /* end of main */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* nextin -- read a command and(possibly) a word from the next input line

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int nextin ( char * cmd, char * word )


  int i, ch;

  ch = getc( stdin );

  while ( isspace( ch ) )


    ch = getc( stdin );

  } /* end of while */

  if ( ch == EOF )


    return( -1 );


  *cmd = ( char )ch;

  ch = getc( stdin );

  while ( isspace( ch ) )


    ch = getc( stdin );

  } /* end of while */

  if ( ch == EOF )


    return( -1 );


  if ( ch == '\n' )


    return( 0 );


  i = 0;

  while ( !isspace( ch ) )


    if ( ++i > MAXWORD )


      printf( "error: word too long.\n" );

      exit( 1 );


    *word++ = ch;

    ch = getc( stdin );

  } /* end of while */

  *word = '\0'; /* 原来的代码这里有问题 */

  return i;

} /* end of nextin */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* initw -- initialize the dictionary to contain no words at all

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int initw ( void )


  nwords = 0;

  return 1;

} /* end of initw */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* insertw -- insert a word in the dictionary

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int insertw ( const char * word )


  strcpy( dict[nwords], word );


  return( nwords );

} /* end of insertw */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* deletew -- delete a word from the dictionary

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int deletew ( const char * word )


  int i;

  for ( i = 0; i < nwords; i++ )


    if ( strcmp( word, dict[i] ) == 0 )



      strcpy( dict[i], dict[nwords] );

      return( 1 );


  } /* end of for */

  return( 0 );

} /* end of deletew */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* lookupw -- look up a word in the dictionary

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int lookupw ( const char * word )


  int i;

  for ( i = 0; i < nwords; i++ )


    if ( strcmp( word, dict[i] ) == 0 )


      return( 1 );


  } /* end of for */

  return( 0 );

} /* end of lookupw */

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> cat > dict.c

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> gcc -Wall -O3 -o dict dict.c

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> strip dict

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> ./dict

Please input:

II < -- -- -- 原来的例子,怀疑作者并没有实际测试过,这里有点问题

Dictionary initialized to empty.

i word1

word1 inserted.

i word2

word2 inserted.

i word3

word3 inserted.

l word2

word2 was found.

d word2

word2 deleted.

l word2

word2 was not found.

qq < -- -- -- 问题同上,请仔细阅读nextin()函数的代码

Program quits.

[scz@ /home/scz/src]>


★ 将该常规程序划分成两部分


main ---- nextin



   ---- insertw



   ---- initw



   ---- deletew



   ---- lookupw







client端          server端

发起RPC远程过程调用端    响应RPC远程过程调用端

------------        -------------------------------------

|     |  RPC调用   |                  |

|  main -|----------------|  initw  lookupw        |

|     |        |           字典数据结构 |

|  nextin |        |  insertw deletew        |

|     |        |                  |

------------        -------------------------------------

/* dict1.c -- main, nextin */



#define MAXWORD 50  /* maximum length of a command or word */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* main -- insert, delete, or lookup words in a dictionary as specified

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int main ( int argc, char * argv[] )


  char word[ MAXWORD + 1 ]; /* space to hold word from input line */

  char cmd;

  int wordlen; /* length of input word */

  printf( "Please input:\n" );

  while ( 1 )


    wordlen = nextin( &cmd, word );

    if ( wordlen < 0 )


      exit( 0 );


    switch ( cmd )


    case 'I': /* 初始化 */


      printf( "Dictionary initialized to empty.\n" );


    case 'i': /* 插入 */

      insertw( word );

      printf( "%s inserted.\n", word );


    case 'd': /* 删除 */

      if ( deletew( word ) )


        printf( "%s deleted.\n", word );




        printf( "%s not found.\n", word );



    case 'l': /* 查询 */

      if ( lookupw( word ) )


        printf( "%s was found.\n", word );




        printf( "%s was not found.\n", word );



    case 'q': /* 退出 */

      printf( "Program quits.\n" );

      exit( 0 );


    default: /* 非法输入 */

      printf( "command %c invalid.\n", cmd );


    } /* end of switch */

  } /* end of while */

  return 0;

} /* end of main */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* nextin -- read a command and(possibly) a word from the next input line

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int nextin ( char * cmd, char * word )


  int i, ch;

  ch = getc( stdin );

  while ( isspace( ch ) )


    ch = getc( stdin );

  } /* end of while */

  if ( ch == EOF )


    return( -1 );


  *cmd = ( char )ch;

  ch = getc( stdin );

  while ( isspace( ch ) )


    ch = getc( stdin );

  } /* end of while */

  if ( ch == EOF )


    return( -1 );


  if ( ch == '\n' )


    return( 0 );


  i = 0;

  while ( !isspace( ch ) )


    if ( ++i > MAXWORD )


      printf( "error: word too long.\n" );

      exit( 1 );


    *word++ = ch;

    ch = getc( stdin );

  } /* end of while */

  *word = '\0';

  return i;

} /* end of nextin */


/* dict2.c -- initw, insertw, deletew, lookupw */

#define MAXWORD 50  /* maximum length of a command or word */

#define DICTSIZ 100 /* maximum number of entries in dictionary. */

char dict[ DICTSIZ ][ MAXWORD + 1 ]; /* storage for a dictionary of words */

int nwords = 0;           /* number of words in the dictionary */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* initw -- initialize the dictionary to contain no words at all

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int initw ( void )


  nwords = 0;

  return 1;

} /* end of initw */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* insertw -- insert a word in the dictionary

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int insertw ( const char * word )


  strcpy( dict[nwords], word );


  return( nwords );

} /* end of insertw */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* deletew -- delete a word from the dictionary

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int deletew ( const char * word )


  int i;

  for ( i = 0; i < nwords; i++ )


    if ( strcmp( word, dict[i] ) == 0 )



      strcpy( dict[i], dict[nwords] );

      return( 1 );


  } /* end of for */

  return( 0 );

} /* end of deletew */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* lookupw -- look up a word in the dictionary

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

int lookupw ( const char * word )


  int i;

  for ( i = 0; i < nwords; i++ )


    if ( strcmp( word, dict[i] ) == 0 )


      return( 1 );


  } /* end of for */

  return( 0 );

} /* end of lookupw */


[scz@ /home/scz/src]> cat > dict1.c

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> cat > dict2.c

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> gcc -O3 -o dict1.o -c dict1.c

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> gcc -O3 -o dict2.o -c dict2.c



★ 创建一个rpcgen规格说明


  . 声明在client或者(这更常见)server(远程程序)中所使用的常量

  . 声明所使用的数据类型(特别是对远程过程的参数)

  . 声明远程程序、每个程序中所包含的过程、以及它们的参数类型




中string代表以null结束的字符串,而C用char *表示,必须注意这些细微的



/* rdict.x */

/* RPC declarations for dictionary program */

const MAXWORD = 50;  /* maximum length of a command or word */

const DICTSIZ = 100; /* number of entries in dictionary */

struct example   /* unused structure declared here to */


  int exfield1; /* illustrate how rpcgen builds XDR */

  char exfield2; /* routines to convert structures */


/* ------------------------------------------------------------------

* RDICTPROG -- remote program that provides insert, delete, and lookup

* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

program RDICTPROG /* name of remote program ( not used ) */


  version RDICTVERS /* declaration of version ( see below ) */


    int INITW ( void )   = 1; /* first procedure in this program */

    int INSERTW ( string ) = 2; /* second procedure in this program */

    int DELETEW ( string ) = 3; /* third procedure in this program */

    int LOOKUPW ( string ) = 4; /* fourth procedure in this program */

  } = 1; /* definition of the program version */

} = 0x30090949; /* remote program number ( must be unique ) */






★ 运行rpcgen

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> cat > rdict.x

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> rpcgen rdict.x

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> ls -l rdict* 

-rw-r--r--  1 scz   users    1559 Feb 17 17:18 rdict.h

-rw-r--r--  1 scz   users    1138 Feb 17 17:18 rdict.x

-rw-r--r--  1 scz   users    1466 Feb 17 17:18 rdict_clnt.c

-rw-r--r--  1 scz   users    2623 Feb 17 17:18 rdict_svc.c

-rw-r--r--  1 scz   users     297 Feb 17 17:18 rdict_xdr.c

[scz@ /home/scz/src]>

rpcgen将生成四个文件,分别是rdict.h, rdict_clnt.c, rdict_svc.c和rdict_xdr.c。


★ rpcgen产生的.h文件

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> cat rdict.h


* Please do not edit this file.

* It was generated using rpcgen.





#ifdef __cplusplus

extern "C" {


#define MAXWORD 50

#define DICTSIZ 100

struct example {

    int exfield1;

    char exfield2;


typedef struct example example;

#define RDICTPROG 0x30090949

#define RDICTVERS 1

#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)

#define INITW 1

extern int * initw_1(void *, CLIENT *);

extern int * initw_1_svc(void *, struct svc_req *);

#define INSERTW 2

extern int * insertw_1(char **, CLIENT *);

extern int * insertw_1_svc(char **, struct svc_req *);

#define DELETEW 3

extern int * deletew_1(char **, CLIENT *);

extern int * deletew_1_svc(char **, struct svc_req *);

#define LOOKUPW 4

extern int * lookupw_1(char **, CLIENT *);

extern int * lookupw_1_svc(char **, struct svc_req *);

extern int rdictprog_1_freeresult (SVCXPRT *, xdrproc_t, caddr_t);

#else /* K&R C */

#define INITW 1

extern int * initw_1();

extern int * initw_1_svc();

#define INSERTW 2

extern int * insertw_1();

extern int * insertw_1_svc();

#define DELETEW 3

extern int * deletew_1();

extern int * deletew_1_svc();

#define LOOKUPW 4

extern int * lookupw_1();

extern int * lookupw_1_svc();

extern int rdictprog_1_freeresult ();

#endif /* K&R C */

/* the xdr functions */

#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)

extern bool_t xdr_example (XDR *, example*);

#else /* K&R C */

extern bool_t xdr_example ();

#endif /* K&R C */

#ifdef __cplusplus



#endif /* !_RDICT_H_RPCGEN */

[scz@ /home/scz/src]>



#define INSERTW 2

extern int * insertw_1(char **, CLIENT *);

extern int * insertw_1_svc(char **, struct svc_req *);






scz注:这里与原书中有重要区别,请仔细对比P234(第2版 vol III)开始的





★ rpcgen产生的XDR转换文件

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> cat rdict_xdr.c 


* Please do not edit this file.

* It was generated using rpcgen.


#include "rdict.h"


xdr_example (XDR *xdrs, example *objp)


     register long *buf;

     if (!xdr_int (xdrs, &objp->exfield1))

         return FALSE;

     if (!xdr_char (xdrs, &objp->exfield2))

         return FALSE;

    return TRUE;


[scz@ /home/scz/src]>










★ rpcgen产生的client代码

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> cat rdict_clnt.c


* Please do not edit this file.

* It was generated using rpcgen.


#include /* for memset */

#include "rdict.h"

/* Default timeout can be changed using clnt_control() */

static struct timeval TIMEOUT = { 25, 0 };

int *

initw_1(void *argp, CLIENT *clnt)


    static int clnt_res;

    memset((char *)&clnt_res, 0, sizeof(clnt_res));

    if (clnt_call (clnt, INITW,

        (xdrproc_t) xdr_void, (caddr_t) argp,

        (xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (caddr_t) &clnt_res,

        TIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) {

        return (NULL);


    return (&clnt_res);


int *

insertw_1(char **argp, CLIENT *clnt)


    static int clnt_res;

    memset((char *)&clnt_res, 0, sizeof(clnt_res));

    if (clnt_call (clnt, INSERTW,

        (xdrproc_t) xdr_wrapstring, (caddr_t) argp,

        (xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (caddr_t) &clnt_res,

        TIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) {

        return (NULL);


    return (&clnt_res);


int *

deletew_1(char **argp, CLIENT *clnt)


    static int clnt_res;

    memset((char *)&clnt_res, 0, sizeof(clnt_res));

    if (clnt_call (clnt, DELETEW,

        (xdrproc_t) xdr_wrapstring, (caddr_t) argp,

        (xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (caddr_t) &clnt_res,

        TIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) {

        return (NULL);


    return (&clnt_res);


int *

lookupw_1(char **argp, CLIENT *clnt)


    static int clnt_res;

    memset((char *)&clnt_res, 0, sizeof(clnt_res));

    if (clnt_call (clnt, LOOKUPW,

        (xdrproc_t) xdr_wrapstring, (caddr_t) argp,

        (xdrproc_t) xdr_int, (caddr_t) &clnt_res,

        TIMEOUT) != RPC_SUCCESS) {

        return (NULL);


    return (&clnt_res);


[scz@ /home/scz/src]>





★ rpcgen产生的server代码

[scz@ /home/scz/src]> cat rdict_svc.c


* Please do not edit this file.

* It was generated using rpcgen.


#include "rdict.h"








#ifndef SIG_PF

#define SIG_PF void(*)(int)


static void

rdictprog_1(struct svc_req *rqstp, register SVCXPRT *transp)


    union {

        char *insertw_1_arg;

        char *deletew_1_arg;

        char *lookupw_1_arg;

    } argument;

    char *result;

    xdrproc_t _xdr_argument, _xdr_result;

    char *(*local)(char *, struct svc_req *);

    switch (rqstp->rq_proc) {

    case NULLPROC:


我来说两句】 【发送给朋友】 【加入收藏】 【返加顶部】 【打印本页】 【关闭窗口
中搜索 RPC/XDR/NFS系列之----RPC编程初战

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