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发表日期:2002-12-08作者:[] 出处:  

'thanks to Rick Ratayczak of Future Works Media (rickr@execpc.com)

'save file and rename them to [name].BAS

Attribute VB_Name = "MIXER"


'* This constant holds the value of the Highest Custom volume setting. The *

'* lowest value will always be zero. *



'Put these into a module

' device ID for aux device mapper

Public Const AUX_MAPPER = -1&

Public Const MAXPNAMELEN = 32


wMid As Integer

wPid As Integer

vDriverVersion As Long

szPname As String * MAXPNAMELEN

wTechnology As Integer

dwSupport As Long

End Type

' flags for wTechnology field in AUXCAPS structure

Public Const AUXCAPS_CDAUDIO = 1 ' audio from internal CD-ROM drive

Public Const AUXCAPS_AUXIN = 2 ' audio from auxiliary input jacks

' flags for dwSupport field in AUXCAPS structure

Public Const AUXCAPS_VOLUME = &H1 ' supports volume control

Public Const AUXCAPS_LRVOLUME = &H2 ' separate left-right volume control

Declare Function auxGetNumDevs Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long

Declare Function auxGetDevCaps Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "auxGetDevCapsA" (ByVal uDeviceID As Long, lpCaps As AUXCAPS, ByVal uSize As Long) As Long

Declare Function auxSetVolume Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal uDeviceID As Long, ByVal dwVolume As Long) As Long

Declare Function auxGetVolume Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal uDeviceID As Long, ByRef lpdwVolume As Long) As Long

Declare Function auxOutMessage Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal uDeviceID As Long, ByVal msg As Long, ByVal dw1 As Long, ByVal dw2 As Long) As Long


'* Possible Return values from auxGetVolume, auxSetVolume *



Public Const MMSYSERR_BASE = 0



'* Use the CopyMemory function from the Windows API *


Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)


'* Use this structure to break the Long into two Integers *


Public Type VolumeSetting

LeftVol As Integer

RightVol As Integer

End Type

Sub lCrossFader()

'Vol1 = 100 - Slider1.Value ' Left

'Vol2 = 100 - Slider5.Value ' Right

'E = CrossFader.Value

'F = 100 - E

'If Check4.Value = 1 Then ' Half Fader Check

' LVol = (F * Val(Vol1) / 100) * 2

' RVol = (E * Val(Vol2) / 100) * 2

' If LVol > (50 * Val(Vol1) / 100) * 2 Then

' LVol = (50 * Val(Vol1) / 100) * 2

' End If

' If RVol > (50 * Val(Vol2) / 100) * 2 Then

' RVol = (50 * Val(Vol2) / 100) * 2

' End If


' LVol = (F * Val(Vol1) / 100)

' RVol = (E * Val(Vol2) / 100)

'End If

'Label1.Caption = "Fader: " + LTrim$(Str$(LVol)) + " x " + LTrim$(Str$(RVol))


End Sub

Public Function lSetVolume(ByRef lLeftVol As Long, ByRef lRightVol As Long, lDeviceID As Long) As Long


'* This function sets the current Windows volume settings to the specified *

'* device using two Custom numbers from 0 to HIGHEST_VOLUME_SETTING for the *

'* right and left volume settings. *

'* *

'* The return value of this function is the Return value of the auxGetVolume*

'* Windows API call. *


Dim bReturnValue As Boolean ' Return Value from Function

Dim Volume As VolumeSetting ' Type structure used to convert a long to/from

' two Integers.

Dim lAPIReturnVal As Long ' Return value from API Call

Dim lBothVolumes As Long ' The API passed value of the Combined Volumes


'* Calculate the Integers *


Volume.LeftVol = nSigned(lLeftVol * 65535 / HIGHEST_VOLUME_SETTING)

Volume.RightVol = nSigned(lRightVol * 65535 / HIGHEST_VOLUME_SETTING)


'* Combine the Integers into a Long to be Passed to the API *


lDataLen = Len(Volume)

CopyMemory lBothVolumes, Volume.LeftVol, lDataLen


'* Set the Value to the API *


lAPIReturnVal = auxSetVolume(lDeviceID, lBothVolumes)

lSetVolume = lAPIReturnVal

End Function

Public Function lGetVolume(ByRef lLeftVol As Long, ByRef lRightVol As Long, lDeviceID As Long) As Long


'* This function reads the current Windows volume settings from the *

'* specified device, and returns two numbers from 0 to *

'* HIGHEST_VOLUME_SETTING for the right and left volume settings. *

'* *

'* The return value of this function is the Return value of the auxGetVolume*

'* Windows API call. *


Dim bReturnValue As Boolean ' Return Value from Function

Dim Volume As VolumeSetting ' Type structure used to convert a long to/from

' two Integers.

Dim lAPIReturnVal As Long ' Return value from API Call

Dim lBothVolumes As Long ' The API Return of the Combined Volumes


'* Get the Value from the API *


lAPIReturnVal = auxGetVolume(lDeviceID, lBothVolumes)


'* Split the Long value returned from the API into to Integers *


lDataLen = Len(Volume)

CopyMemory Volume.LeftVol, lBothVolumes, lDataLen


'* Calculate the Return Values. *


lLeftVol = HIGHEST_VOLUME_SETTING * lUnsigned(Volume.LeftVol) / 65535

lRightVol = HIGHEST_VOLUME_SETTING * lUnsigned(Volume.RightVol) / 65535

lGetVolume = lAPIReturnVal

End Function

Public Function nSigned(ByVal lUnsignedInt As Long) As Integer

Dim nReturnVal As Integer ' Return value from Function

If lUnsignedInt > 65535 Or lUnsignedInt < 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in conversion from Unsigned to nSigned Integer"

nSignedInt = 0

Exit Function

End If

If lUnsignedInt > 32767 Then

nReturnVal = lUnsignedInt - 65536


nReturnVal = lUnsignedInt

End If

nSigned = nReturnVal

End Function

Public Function lUnsigned(ByVal nSignedInt As Integer) As Long

Dim lReturnVal As Long ' Return value from Function

If nSignedInt < 0 Then

lReturnVal = nSignedInt + 65536


lReturnVal = nSignedInt

End If

If lReturnVal > 65535 Or lReturnVal < 0 Then

MsgBox "Error in conversion from nSigned to Unsigned Integer"

lReturnVal = 0

End If

lUnsigned = lReturnVal

End Function

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中搜索 如何控制系统音量

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